As I was preparing for a class and adding to my second book of the Acudragon® Wellness System’s Enlightened Living 101 series, I paused to examine the essential mindset and habits needed for a healthy body, mind, spirit connection.
On the surface most people focus on their bodies through diet, exercise and other ways of looking and feeling good. Some people understand the importance of positive thinking and acting from a higher, spiritual place versus from a lower, animal place.
In my first book, How to be a Great Parent to Your Inner Child: Connect with Your Heart and Higher Purpose, I provide an East-West perspective on the idea of your inner child and your heart. While the East and West have different perspectives on the full meaning and understanding of the heart, they both have many sayings implying the importance and power of your heart.
For example, you have all heard the expression, “Follow Your Heart.”
On the surface, it makes sense. After all, your heart is connected to love, emotions, creativity and perhaps core personality traits. In Chinese medicine, the heart is considered the ruler of your inner kingdom and is the home for your spirit. The other organs in the body each have their own unique role in your inner kingdom and they all ultimately serve your heart.
As I explain in my Inner Child book, early traumas and insults can often break the heart into pieces leaving you with several inner children that may be stuck emotionally at different ages. Each of these inner children are rulers in their own right.
Now following your heart can get complicated. A four year old may have different desires than an eight year old or a teenager.
Healing your heart is essential in helping you make better, long lasting decisions in all areas of your life. Understanding what your heart needs to heal and finding which parts inside you are willing and capable of helping the heart is one of the essential steps in becoming whole and healing.
Some of these other parts may lack the knowledge or skills to help the heart or may have taken on a negative perspective against the heart based on external feedback as a child. Part of the work is giving back the negative energies to the person or persons who initially planted those voices or experiences in you and connecting with the parts you need to feel more whole and complete.
In Chinese medicine the other organs, maybe out of balance and not serving the heart well. There are physical, mental and emotional cues that one can observe to better facilitate healing and transformation.
For example if the Spleen and Stomach, which connect with the (Earth Element) is out of balance, one my experience digestive issues and pensiveness and not fully be nourishing the heart. If the Liver and Gallbladder (Wood Element) are out of sync you may experience pain and anger and not be protecting your heart. If the Lungs and Large Intestines (Metal Element) are weak you may have respiratory issues, be experiencing grief and may not be able to provide compassionate discipline that the heart may need. The Kidney and Urinary Bladder (Water Element) when weak may affect your hormones and aging process, make you fearful and unable to share your gentle wisdom with your heart.
Having all of your parts work together to fully express who you are is key to a more healthy and balanced body, mind and spirit. Socrates and others shared the philosophy to “Know Thyself.” I believe this is the first step to healing, but it may be more appropriate to say, “Know Thy Selves.” To be whole and complete, you really need to know all of your parts, especially your inner children/Heart.
My quest to help people connect with their Hearts and be as a whole, independent, and complete as possible has always been the motivating force behind all my work. There are many ways I work with people individually to help them get in touch with wounded parts, blockages, and strengths to heal and transform themselves to being the most evolved, best version of their authentic Self.
If you are not ready or are unable to commit to an individual session whether live or by phone, I have shared some tools that can get you started towards a more grounded and fulfilling journey.
In addition to my inner child book, the guided meditations and healing sounds which are available on vimeo are easy, safe and effective tools to assist you increase awareness while expanding your energy and consciousness.
As long as you live, there is room to heal and grow.
Feel free to drop me a message or email me anytime with questions. You can also check out my website and connect with me on FB, IG, Twitter, You Tube ,and LinkedIn.
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